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Maple Syrup Health Benefits and Nutrition

Pure maple syrup goes far beyond the breakfast table. Although usually thought of as a sweetener for pancakes and waffles, pure maple syrup is so much more!

Our maple syrup is 100% natural, free from artificial colourings, GMO-free and is derived solely from trees in the forest of Atlantic Canada.

It also doesn’t only taste much better than artificial pancake syrups but is an all-around healthier sweetener.

Maple Syrup: Nutrients & Vitamins

Many nutrients are naturally found in pure maple syrup, including zinc, potassium, manganese, thiamine, calcium, iron, magnesium, and riboflavin.

Zinc is not only beneficial to heart health, but it is also an antioxidant. Zinc is also involved in important bodily functions such as cellular growth and regeneration.

Just a 1/4 cup serving of maple syrup provides 41% of your daily requirement of zinc.

A 1/4 cup of maple syrup also provides 100% of your daily requirement of manganese, which is linked to HDL, or good cholesterol, and also known for its ability to improve overall mental stability.

Manganese (aids in energy production)

Zinc (helps your immune system)

Calcium (great for strengthening bones and teeth)

Riboflavin (aids in metabolic processes)

Magnesium (associated with lowered risk of heart disease)

Potassium (helps to maintain a normal blood pressure)

Maple Syrup Grades

Maple syrup comes in two grades and four colour classes. Processed all the same way, the different colour classes of maple syrup are produced during different times of the season. This is a broad generalization but on the whole, lighter in colour and milder in flavour maple syrup is made during the early season and as the season progresses the maple syrup gets darker in colour and stronger in flavour.

Maple Syrup Antioxidants

Maple syrup contains many natural antioxidants. Several newly identified antioxidant compounds found in maple syrup are also reported to have anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti-diabetic properties. Maple syrup also contains anti-inflammatory compounds.

Is Maple Syrup an Allergen

No, maple syrup is a pure natural sweetener that is not a recognized allergen. Having said that, it is critical to note that allergens can be introduced during the production and packaging procedures.

Maple Syrup is Vegan

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Acadian Maple Products, located on busy Peggys Cove Road in Upper Tantallon, is looking for energetic full-time and part-time seasonal retail employees to join our sweet team! 

Send your resume to for further information and to arrange an interview.

Thank you! Your Acadian Maple Team

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