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How To Replace Refined Sugar With Maple Syrup

How To Replace Refined Sugar With Maple Syrup

Maple syrup and maple sugar are excellent alternatives to refined sugars. So how can you substitute pure maple syrup as a healthy sugar in most recipes? Let's dig into it.

Why Use Pure Maple Syrup as an Alternative to Refined Sugars?

Maple is a healthier alternative than refined sugars as well as many other sweeteners out there. Since it contains fewer calories and has a higher concentration of minerals than say, honey, maple syrup is great as an alternative sweetener. Just make sure that you are using 100% pure maple syrup!

How to use Maple Syrup as an Alternative to Refined Sugars

You can substitute refined sugars with maple syrup or maple sugar. Depending on what you are cooking or preparing it may vary a little.

When you replace refined sugars with maple syrup not only will you be eating healthier, you will also get to enjoy the unique maple flavor!

In recipes, replace a cup of white sugar with one cup of pure maple sugar, more or less depending on your preference.

You can also replace white sugar with pure maple syrup. 375ml of pure maple syrup is roughly equal to 1 cup of white cane sugar. You will need to reduce your liquids by a quarter to a half.

Maple sugar is delicious in baked goods such as muffins, cakes, cupcakes, and pancakes. You can even add maple sugar to your homemade icing recipe for natural color & a hint of maple flavor. 

How to use Maple Sugar as an Alternative to Refined Sugars

This one is easy! Maple sugar can be substituted one for one to replace refined sugar.

Other ideas for replacing white sugar with maple syrup and maple sugar:

  • mix maple sugar into coffee, tea or oatmeal
  • use maple syrup to sweeten plain yogurt 
  • use maple syrup as a glaze over turkey or ham
  • try it in your smoothie

There are many other ways to use maple syrup. The only limitation is your imagination.

Have an interesting idea or use for maple syrup, leave a comment and let us know.

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