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Maple Syrup Health Benefits

Maple Syrup Health Benefits

Maple syrup health benefits are real! Maple syrup is not just an empty calorie.

Granted, it is a sugar and like anything else has to be used in moderation to achieve a healthy diet.

Lets explore more about Maple Syrup Health Benefits and this amazing natural sweetener.

Maple Syrup is Delicious and a Healthy Alternative

It seems odd that something sweet and delicious can actually be healthy. But pure maple syrup has many health benefits! For example, pure maple syrup has fewer calories and a higher concentration of minerals than honey. So the next time you’re looking for a sugar fix, try pure maple syrup.

Maple syrup can go far beyond the breakfast table. Using it in smoothies, baking, coffee or tea or in general cooking gives you ample opportunities to get your healthier sugar fix for the day. Maple syrup can also easily be substituted for other refined sugars.

Maple Syrup is a Natural Sweetener

Pure maple syrup is 100% natural, it has no other ingredients such as preservatives, artificial flavoring, coloring or any other additives. It literally comes from a tree, is boiled and put in a bottle. Nothing added. It's tough to get more natural than maple syrup.

Maple syrup is a Source of Nutrients and Minerals

Pure maple syrup is a source of many nutrients. Maple syrup contains manganese, riboflavin, zinc, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. The key nutrients pure maple syrup contains are manganese and zinc. Zinc is an antioxidant which is also good for your heart, and manganese is linked to HDL, the “good” cholesterol. Both zinc and manganese are important for the body’s immune system.

Maple Syrup is Easier on Your System

For people who have diabetes, or anyone who likes to watch their sugar intake, pure maple syrup is a much better choice for a sweetener than refined sugar or honey. It is recommended to eat foods that have a rating of 55 or lower on the glycemic index. Pure maple syrup is rated at 54, while sugar is rated at 58, and honey at 57.

Pure maple syrup has a unique sweet taste that can add flavour to any type of meal. Try it with sweet potatoes, ham, turkey, baked beans or many other foods.

There are also many products made from maple syrup such as maple butter, maple sugar, and maple cream which are also made from only pure maple syrup. Using pure maple products is a healthier and easier way to sweeten food, snacks or to add a unique, healthy flavour to any meal.

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